Gordon gets documents; ZTE case to be reopened?

MANILA, Philippines - The Senate Blue Ribbon committee might re-open its investigation into the aborted $329-million national broadband network (NBN) deal with China’s ZTE Corp.

Sen. Richard Gordon, Blue Ribbon chairman, told a Senate plenary session that Pangasinan Rep. Jose de Venecia Jr., whose son Joey III exposed the anomaly in the NBN deal, may now testify on the matter.

Gordon said he received an enveloped package from the ex-speaker that may contain vital information.

“Actually we have already looked upon his letter. But he sent me an envelope which I have not opened. I just want to manifest that here in case some questions about the transparency of the Blue Ribbon committee might come out especially since the report may be coming out within the week or next week unless we decide to call one more hearing,” Gordon said.

The Blue Ribbon, previously headed by Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano, has been waiting for De Venecia to testify on the controversy.

Gordon, who is under mounting pressure to issue a final report on the NBN controversy, also revealed that he is ready to read the final committee report by next week.

“Because there are certain questions every time I read the full committee report that we’ve made. So I will try to decide with the committee members whether we should call one committee hearing about the matter since I was not the chairman throughout all these hearings,” Gordon said.

Gordon said he is also consulting with Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel Jr. who advised him last week to release the committee report on the matter to once and for all put a close on the issue.

“I just wanted the Senate to know of all my movements. I do not want it said that I am getting letters without the knowledge of the Senate, especially after I have already manifested that the Blue Ribbon committee report has already been completed,” Gordon said.

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