Rosales allows return of communion by mouth

MANILA, Philippines - Devotees in the Archdiocese of Manila can again receive the sacrament of the Holy Communion in the mouth since the Department of Health (DOH) recently announced that the country continues to experience only a “mild” strain of the Influenza A(H1N1) virus.

Upon instructions of Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, Ministry for Liturgical Affairs director Fr. Genaro Diwa recently issued a circular stating that aside from communion by hand parishes could again allow communion by mouth.

“While there remain cases of the disease and its total containment has not been reached, the DOH has said that the disease is of a mild form and that proper precautions lessen its spread. Cardinal Rosales has now instructed that Holy Communion by the mouth be allowed, which means that communicants may now receive Holy Communion either by mouth or by hand,” said Diwa.

The circular was sent out to all parish priests, shrine directors, chaplains, parish worship coordinators, parish coordinators of extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, lectors and commentators, greeters and collectors, music and choir, and altar servers in the Archdiocese of Manila.

Diwa added that as a precaution, priests and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are still advised to continue observing proper hygiene and wash their hands thoroughly before and after Mass.

Rosales “likewise exhorts the faithful to observe all the practices recommended by health authorities to prevent the acquisition and spread of the disease.”

They also asked the public to continue to pray for the immediate cure of those who have been afflicted with the disease.

Last June 5, the Manila archbishop suspended giving out communion by the mouth as a preventive measure against the spread of the A(H1N1) virus. Manila was one of the first archdioceses to order the halt of granting communion by the mouth.

They also discouraged people from holding hands with their seatmates when singing the “Our Father.”

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