'Pfizer for quality, affordable drugs'

MANILA, Philippines - Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Philippines said yesterday the company’s top priority is to ensure that high-quality, safe medicine is made accessible and more affordable to all Filipinos.

In a statement, Pfizer said it regretted being unable to participate at yesterday’s meeting of the Quality Affordable Medicine Oversight Committee (QAMOC) chaired by Sen. Mar Roxas and Rep. Antonio Alvarez.

“Pfizer understands that the QAMOC meeting involved discussions of last week’s meeting between the Office of the President and representatives of the pharmaceutical    industry,” the company said. “As the world’s leading healthcare company, Pfizer abides by the highest global and local standards of behavior and all relevant laws. Its meeting with the Office of the President was no exception.”  

The company said it is committed to improving the health and well-being of Filipinos and believes that active and open dialogue with all key stakeholders on healthcare delivery is a crucial element. 

“Last week’s meeting was undertaken in this spirit, and allegations to the contrary are both unfounded and unhelpful,” the company said.

Pfizer noted that even prior to the passage of the Cheaper Medicine Act, its Sulit Patient Care Program over the past five years has helped 1.8 million Filipino patients live longer, healthier lives in partnership with the medical community. 

“In addition, the program has been expanded to meet the needs of various sectors of the population, such as government employees, overseas Filipino workers and teachers,” it said. “Pfizer fully supports the government’s efforts to further improve healthcare delivery for the nation and seeks to achieve this via constructive dialogue.” 

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