Passage of reproductive health bill with sex education sought

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Rodolfo Biazon is seeking the passage of a reproductive health bill that includes sex education for students in Grade 5 up to fourth year high school.

In his sponsorship speech of Senate Bill 3122 or “The Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2009,” Biazon said it is time to have a national policy on reproductive health.

“From one version after another, this proposed measure has been languishing in the halls of the Philippine legislature for many years now – dating back to the eleventh Congress. This bill does not encourage or promote abortion. It does not impose a national policy on the freedom of couples to make choices. This bill is about providing informed choice through an education and information program. It is about making available reproductive health care services and supplies to our people, especially to those who need it most,” Biazon said.

Section 12 of the bill states that “reproductive health and sexuality education” in an age-appropriate manner shall be taught by adequately trained teachers from Grade 5 to fourth year high school with a curriculum to be formulated by the Department of Education and to be offered in public and private schools.

The subjects will include knowledge and skills in self-protection against discrimination, sexual violence, sexual abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and AIDS and teen pregnancy; values formation; physical, social and emotional changes in adolescents; children and women’s rights; fertility awareness; population and development education; responsible relationship; family planning methods; proscription and hazards of abortion; gender and development; and responsible parenthood.

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