AFP, PNP on high alert this Lent

MANILA, Philippines - Military units deployed in Metro Manila and other perceived troubled areas have been placed on high alert in line with overall security preparations during the Lenten season.

“We maintain a level of alert higher than the normal alert (during the Holy Week) in general headquarters and in other area services,” Brig. Gen. Gaudencio Pangilinan, AFP-Civil Relations Service (CRS) chief said.

Pangilinan said troops from the National Capital Region Command (NCRCOM) under Maj. Gen. Jogy Leo Fojas have linked up with the National Capital Regional Police Office (NCRPO) to maintain a high state of security in crowded areas in Metro Manila.

“The NCRPO exercise their police functions while the NCRCOM is there to provide manpower and additional support when needed,” Pangilinan said.

However, Pangilinan clarified that there is no confirmed threat in Metro Manila and that the deployment of troops is only routine negation operations.

He said it is safe to assume that there is always a threat of terrorist attack, and the military and the police cannot afford to let their guard down especially because of existing threats of terrorism not only in some areas of Mindanao but worldwide.

Pangilinan said troops in the provinces have been under instructions to be on the lookout for possible presence of terrorists in known and popular beaches as well as other key tourist areas.

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Jesus Verzosa, on the other hand, also ordered all police units to intensify anti-criminality operations during the Holy Week to ensure the safety and security of local and foreign tourists and travelers. – Jaime Laude, Cecille Suerte Felipe, Eva Visperas, Cesar Ramirez

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