Government urged to make use of road users' tax for safety on streets

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Francis Escudero yesterday urged the government to make use of the road users’ tax to make streets and major thoroughfares safer for pedestrians, especially children.

He also expressed alarm over studies showing that the Philippines has the most dangerous roads in Asia. 

According to Escudero, three-fifths of road accidents involve children pedestrians, and road mishaps are the leading cause of admission in hospitals. He added that child safety groups reported that six children die from accidents in the country daily.

“Overall, the 7.8 traffic-related fatalities or an injury per 100,000 people a year is one of the highest in Asia, according to the Asian Development Bank (ADB),” Escudero said.

The senator issued the call in the wake of the accident inside the Ateneo de Manila campus in Quezon City last Wednesday, which claimed the life of a 10-year-old fourth grader.

“Beyond the fields of Ateneo lie grim statistics on child vehicular deaths. Road accidents have become the most prolific killer of Filipino children after pneumonia,” he said, referring to a study cited by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

The senator said the government must do something about the problem.

“Under Republic Act 8794 or the Road User’s Tax Law, 7.5 centavos for every peso paid for car registration should go to a special road safety fund. This year, out of a projected P8.9 billion in road user’s tax collection, an estimated P668 million should be funneled into this fund,” Escudero said.

Julian Carlo Miguel Alcantara, known to his friends as “Amiel,” was inside the Ateneo campus with his nanny when he was hit by a van. He was rushed to the New Era Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival. His nanny sustained injuries.

“Spent well and applied wisely, the whole road user’s tax fund can bankroll engineering and education initiatives that will result in safe roads. Unfortunately, the road user’s tax has been caught in the wrong priorities,” Escudero lamented.

He said total collection from the road users’ tax amounted to some P7.49 billion in 2006 and P7.73 billion in 2007. Last year, it stood at around P8.34 billion.

“More than P30 billion in road users’ tax funds in four years has not made our streets any safer for kids. Road users’ tax spending should be re-focused to make schools child safety zones,” Escudero said.

“A driver can be fined for reckless driving but who will fine the government for reckless spending of road users’ tax funds?” he said.

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