Antibiotic-producing mushroom discovered

MANILA, Philippines – A group of government scientists recently discovered an antibiotic-producing microorganism from a type of mushroom which has been found to be effective in treating diseases of livestock, particularly swine, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) reported yesterday.

The scientists from the DOST’s National Research Council of the Philippines, led by Dr. Asuncion Raymundo, a plant pathologist, found that the mushroom species Clitopilus passeckerianus produces the antibiotic called pleuromutilin.

The DOST said pleuromutilin prevents the bacteria from producing protein, an essential component of its diet. Without protein, bacteria stops reproducing and consequently die.

Pleuromutilin also acts as the building block for the production of tiamulin, a biological compound effective in treating common hog diseases such as mycoplasmas, arthritis, enzootic pneumonia, and dysentery, the agency said.

“The team analyzed the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) thread or theImage genetic code of the mushroom species Clitopilus passeckerianus. They employed classical and recombinant DNA techniques to determine how this particular species produces the antibiotic called pleuromutilin,” the science department said.

Data from the DOST’s Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD) showed that the Philippines was among the leading hog raisers in the Asia Pacific Region in 2001.

However, the report also stated that Luzon’s production rate, compared to that of Mindanao and Visayas has plummeted in 2001 compared to earlier years, attributing this to high mortality rate among swine on account of disease.

“The NRCP antibiotic derived from the mushroom has the clear potential to solve this problem,” the DOST said.

Like tomatoes and apples, mushroom is a fruit. Scientists classify this fleshy fruit under the fungi kingdom - multi-cell microorganism that get their food and energy from other organisms.

For thousands of years, mankind has recognized the varied uses of mushrooms. In addition to being an effective fermenting agent, it is also considered an efficient waste disposer and major manufacturer of organic fertilizer, the DOST said.

Mushrooms can grow anywhere from farm animal manure, from spoiled food in the kitchen, to the dead barks and leaves in the deepest reaches of foliage.

“This latest NRCP research proves that the mushroom could no longer be ignored nor relegated as among the bottom dwellers in the plant kingdom. The discovery of pleuromutilin and tiamulin should prompt stronger government funding and support to boost the country’s hog raising industry and propel it to even greater global competitiveness,” the DOST said.   

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