Taxi operators seek P10 tip

MANILA, Philippines – Taxi operators in Metro Manila filed a petition at the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) seeking an additional P10 to reflect the rising price of oil in the world market.

The operators, however, do not want the P10 fare increase to be included in the flag down rate, currently at P30, on taximeters to avoid the expensive process of recalibration of meters.

Petitioners want the fare increase to be added to the amount registered on taximeters.

“What the taxi operators are asking is actually a compulsory tip,” LTFRB chairman Thompson Lantion told The STAR.

He said the LTFRB is still studying the legal basis of the petition since the operators are not seeking a fare hike but only an additional payment from passengers.

Lantion said the LTFRB has set a public hearing on the petition on July 4.

Aside from the taxi operators the agency will also deliberate on the petition filed by bus operators in Metro Manila, led by Claire de la Fuente, who are seeking an increase of P4 to the minimum fare of regular commuter buses operating in the metropolis.

Lantion said the LTFRB urged the bus operators to file a new petition which would include the authorization from bus owners that De La Fuente is their official representative.

“We are asking them to submit original documents, not just xerox copies,” he said.

The LTFRB was supposed to hear the petition last Thursday but deferred the proceedings after the Office of the Solicitor General questioned why only a photocopy and not the original petition was submitted to the board.

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