Earth Day to focus on global warming

As the world takes on the great challenge of mitigating the impact of climate change, local environment groups are set to embark on a massive education campaign to put focus on the issue of global warming in the country with this year’s Earth Day celebrations.

Organizers of Earth Day 2007 in the Philippines yesterday announced that a free screening of "An Inconvenient Truth," the Oscar-winning film of former United States Vice President Al Gore, will be held in SM cinemas, as one of the highlights of the celebration on April 22.

Former environment secretary Elisea Gozun said that, while this year’s Earth Day theme is about taking action for the protection of Mother Earth, it is also fitting to embark on an intensified information campaign to help Filipinos gain a deeper understanding of climate change: "We want the people to understand the reality of the problem on climate change. The people should understand that the recent disasters that happened in the country could be connected to the impact of climate change."

Gozun, who chairs the Earth Day Network Philippines (EDNP), said the free and simultaneous screening of Gore’s documentary on climate change takes place in Baguio City, Cebu, Iloilo, Davao and Metro Manila.

She said shopping mall administrators will designate a total of five movie houses – one in each area – for the free film showing.

Gozun also said they are negotiating with SM Malls, which has the exclusive rights to the commercial showing of the documentary, to schedule two free screenings for each movie house on April 22.

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