GMA names new MTRCB members

President Arroyo has appointed members to the Movie and Television and Classification Board (MTRCB) Appeals Committee that she revived under Executive Order 572.

Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said the new set of officers are Cecile Guidote-Alvarez, representing the Office of the President; Undersecretary Roberto Rivera of the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) as vice chairman, representing the OPS.

Also named to the MTRCB appeals body were Roesholm Camaligan, representing the movie industry; Rodolfo Lacuna, TV Industry, and Michael Francis Lopez, Youth Commission.

Ermita said the President has also elevated the appointment of acting Land Bank president and chief executive officer (CEO) Gilda Elepano-Pico to president and CEO.

All appointments were signed last Oct. 25. — Paolo Romero

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