RP now world’s 3rd biggest labor exporter

GENEVA — The Philippines is now the world’s third biggest labor-exporting country, a report released yesterday by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said.

The IOM identified the top migrant-sending countries as China, with a diaspora of 35 million, India, 20 million, and the Philippines, seven million.

Migrants are a key source of income for many poorer countries, the report said.

They officially sent home $100 billion in 2004. Another $100 billion is thought to flow home through informal channels, the IOM said.

Top of the list for remittances was Mexico, followed by India, the Philippines, Egypt and Morocco.

Concerns in Western countries that immigrant numbers are spiraling out of control, causing job losses and hikes in welfare spending, are not only flawed but are contrary to the evidence, the IOM said.

The world’s estimated 185-192 million migrants — up from 175 million in 2000 — boost the economies of their new countries and the homelands they leave behind, although the impact of the brain drain on poor nations remains a concern, the IOM said in a new study. — AFP

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