Iraqi militants threaten RP embassies

Iraqi militants have threatened to attack the embassies worldwide of the Philippines and other members of the US-led coalition that invaded and occupied their country, sources said yesterday.

Sources said the information is contained in a one-page fax message in Arabic sent by the Army of Muqtada al-Sadr and the group Imam Mahdi to the Philippine embassy in Stockholm, Sweden last Aug. 16.

"It was a warning against the United States and 33 coalition members, including the Philippines, that they will inflict damage to their embassies in Iraq and worldwide," a source said.

The Department of Foreign Affairs said it has not received a copy of the threatening message.

Sources said the threat is part of a plan by militants to retaliate against the US, Britain and the countries that supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Although the US has removed the Philippines from the Coalition of the Willing, supporters of the Army of Al-Sadr still considers it part of the coalition, sources added.

Al-Sadr is the son of the Grand Ayatollah, and has been linked to a number of high-profile attacks in Iraq. –Marvin Sy

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