Bush congratulates GMA, Pinoys; CINCPAC at inaugural

WASHINGTON — US President George W. Bush congratulated President Arroyo for her election victory and commended the Filipino people for rejecting extra-legal options to resolve differences.

"We understand that some participants in the political process have raised questions about the results of the May 10 election. We commend the people of the Philippines for making use of established legal mechanisms and rejecting extra-legal options for resolving their differences," the White House said.

"The Philippines has again demonstrated the strength of its democracy," Bush spokesman Scott McClellan said in a statement.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony Principi will represent US President George W. Bush at Mrs. Arroyo’s inauguration to a new term on June 30.

Other members of the US delegation will include US Pacific Command chief Adm. Thomas Fargo and Susan Ralston, the highest ranking Filipino-American in the White House, who is executive assistant to senior presidential advisor Carl Rove.

Meanwhile, while traveling in South Asia, Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong sent his congratulatory letter to Mrs. Arroyo yesterday.

"The election outcome proves that people of the Philippines have full confidence in your leadership. They have given you a firm mandate to continue with the programs and policies needed for development and progress," he said in his letter.

"Relations between our countries have strengthened during your tenure in office. The prospects for the continued enhancement of our cooperation, both at the bilateral and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) levels, are bright," he added.

Mrs. Arroyo has been a steadfast US ally in the global war on terrorism and was among the first leaders to express support for the US-led invasion of Iraq, where 51 Filipino troops are now serving with occupation forces.

"We greatly appreciate its contribution to the international effort to build a peaceful, free and independent Iraq. We look forward to strengthening our close cooperation with the government of the Philippines on these and other efforts to ensure the security and prosperity of our people," the White House noted.

The United States has also sent troops to train Filipino soldiers battling the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf terror group in southern Philippines. — with Marvin Sy, AFP

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