Palace function room named after Cory

Now, visitors who are honored with a stay in the Premier Guest House of Malacañang will see the President Corazon Aquino Room, named after the former president by President Arroyo.

The President feted Aquino, who turned 71 Sunday, and named function rooms on the guest house’s second floor after the woman who restored democracy in the Philippines after the 1986 EDSA revolt.

These rooms were where Aquino held office during her term from 1986 to 1992.

Aquino was catapulted to power when the EDSA revolution ousted her nemesis and predecessor, strongman Ferdinand Marcos, who held office and lived in Malacañang Palace during his 20-year rule.

When she assumed power, Aquino did not stay at the Palace, but instead used the Arlegui residence across Malacañang administration building, as her official residence.

"I chose this office because I know I will just be a temporary guest here," Aquino told the President.

During the truncated stint of deposed President Joseph Estrada, the Premier Guest House served as Estrada’s guest house and office. — Marichu Villanueva

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