Pimentel to Honasan: It’s safe to come out now

Senator Aquilino Pimentel Jr. urged yesterday "inaccessible" Sen. Gregorio Honasan to come out from hiding and face the coup d’état charges against him.

"Gringo should surface and face the accusations. He (will) not be arrested for there is no warrant of arrest issued against him," Pimentel said at the weekly forum "Kapihan sa Sulo."

Pimentel said President Arroyo would likely stand by her earlier announcement that Honasan will not be arrested without an arrest warrant because "breaking her word would further erode the credibility of her government."

At the same time, the senator said the Senate as an institution should fight the negative impressions brought about by alleged involvement of Honasan and Senator Luisa Estrada in the botched July 27 mutiny.

"We, as an institution, should fight back against the government but on the bases of truth, justice and law. That is why Honasan should surface," he said.

Pimentel also chided Mrs. Arroyo for "playing with presidential ethics" as she overlooked the problems that emerged after she declared a "state of lawlessness" in Davao City.

The state of lawlessnesss was declared after a bomb blast ripped through Davao City’s busy Sasa wharf on April 4, killing 15 people and injuring 50 others.

"She lifted the state of rebellion in Makati but forgot about the state of lawlessness in Davao City," he said, noting that the state of lawlessness has a negative impact on the economic, security and justice system in the city.

She also slammed the state of lawlessness as having "no basis in the Constitution. It only has basis in the imagination of the government."

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