Police file raps vs sex cult leader

Bacolod City police have filed charges of seduction and child abuse against a photographer who claims to be the leader of a sex cult.

Leonardo Erobas’ cult gained national attention less than a week ago when he sent invitations to Senators Loren Legarda, Noli de Castro, Robert Jaworski and Rodolfo Biazon to join his cult.

The invitations included sexually explicit photographs showing him having sex with minors and other members in the nude.

The senators promptly asked the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to look into Erobas’ operation.

"This cult had the gall to send me indecent pictures which are not only immoral but possibly criminal because some of the sexual participants are minors!" Biazon fumed.

Inspector Carmen Amunategui said they filed the charges after two 15-year-old girls – one of whom was pictured in the nude – filed complaints against Erobas.

City police deputy chief Superintendent Rene Aspera said officers are closely watching Erobas, who offers his photography service at the town plaza, pending the issuance of an arrest warrant for him.

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