Code-NGO leader receives award from US

The United States Embassy has conferred the Benigno Aquino Jr. for Professional Development Award to Danilo Songco, national coordinator of Caucus of Development NGO Networks.

Songco received the award for public service from former President Corazon Aquino and US Embassy chargé d’affaires Robert Fitts during ceremonies at the US ambassador’s residence in Makati.

Established in 1988 as part of the US Embassy’s International Visitor Program, the award commemorates Ninoy Aquino’s accomplishment in journalism and public service.

The award recognizes Songco’s leadership and active involvement in cause-oriented groups and his outstanding contributions to public service.

As Code-NGO national coordinator, Songco heads the largest group of NGOs in the country with over 2,500 members nationwide.

Code-NGO designed the Peace Eradication and Alleviation Certificate (PEACE) bonds in the group’s bid to uplift the condition of the poor.

Songco has also been adjudged by the World Bank as one of the 44 Development Marketplace 2000 awardees for having authored the group’s entry, "Localizing Civil Society’s Campaign to Fight Poverty."

A member of the board of directors of the Development Bank of the Philippines, Songco is also one of two "civil society" representatives in the steering committee of the Medium Term Philippines Development Plan, the five-year national blueprint for the development of the Philippine government.

Songco also sits in the Philippine Council for NGO Certification that certifies all non-profit organizations before the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

Songco was granted an all-expense paid trip as part of the award to any part of the US to pursue his professional interests.

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