NTC to probe cable TV fiasco

The National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) said yesterday it would investigate the pullout of channels by local cable operators as well as their planned rate increase.

Carlos Salijuan, NTC chief for broadcast, noted that there have been mounting complaints against cable operators following the decision of Australia-based Star Group Inc. to cut off cable feed of 10 popular channels to local companies SkyCable, Home Cable and Pilipino Cable.

"Protection of the public’s interest should be looked into. There are some guidelines and standards that service providers are supposed to comply with," Salijuan said.

Home Cable and rival Destiny Cable have notified their subscribers that they would be increasing rates next month.

Salijuan said NTC Commissioner Eliseo Rio has already written officials of the cable companies to explain the rate adjustment and the changes in programming.

He added that their legal department will be studying the complaints to determine if the move of the cable companies is in violation of an agreement with the NTC.

Two weeks ago, Star abruptly cut off cable feed to SkyCable and Home Cable, claiming the decision was triggered by the refusal of local companies to pay subscription fees.

However, the local companies charged that Star was trying to bully them into buying channels on a "take all or nothing" basis, when they only wanted the sports and movie channels.

Lawmakers have already called for a congressional probe into the cable channel pullout.

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