Comprehensive impeachment trial news on

The country turns a new leaf in its history as it starts today the impeachment trial of President Joseph Estrada, the first head of state in Asia to face an impeachment proceeding. More than a thousand journalists all over the world had earlier applied for accreditation to cover the event.

As the world’s spotlight focuses on the country, it is a must for every Filipino to keep abreast of the most recent development on the Philippine presidency.

With the newly-launched "News Flash" feature of, the megaportal for the Filipino global community, Filipinos anywhere in the world can monitor the freshest news on the impeachment trial as well as all the other relevant developments in the country every hour and on the hour from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. everyday.

News Flash
is an hourly news update of It features breaking news from all sectors of Philippine society, not just the impeachment trial. As news develops, it is posted on the site for local and international surfers to see.

Since it’s launch a few days ago, has already received overwhelming feedback from site visitors all over the world, Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike.

Moreover, site visitors can also share their opinion on the most critical issues gripping the country through the site’s message boards. By joining the lively discussion in the message boards, one can join an evolving global community of concerned Filipinos who have something to contribute to the improvement of their country.

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