Imelda: Estrada must be given chance to defend himself

BATAC, Ilocos Norte — Former First Lady Imelda Marcos threw her support behind President Estrada yesterday, urging Filipinos to allow the beleaguered Chief Executive to defend himself under the Constitution.

Speaking for the first time on the political crisis, the widow of former dictator Ferdinand Marcos led some 5,000 people in a rally in this Marcos hometown to back the President, who will be facing the start of impeachment deliberations at the House of Representatives today.

"I am for a constitutional resolution. I believe that there should be due process and even presidents have a right to justice. Mr. Estrada must be given his day in court and his side must be ventilated," she said.

Marcos added that she’s praying for the President and for the Filipino people and that she hopes the impeachment trial would be completed soon.

"The problem is very urgent. It affects the economy so we must solve it as fast as we can," she said.

Mr. Estrada attended the rally appearing visibly happy after last Saturday’s National Day of Prayer and Fasting at Rizal Park in Manila which was attended by more than one million people. The rally was held after the President faced weeks of protests in Metro Manila.

In Batac yesterday, the Chief Executive received support not only from the Marcos widow but also from two of the Marcos children, Ilocos Norte Gov. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. and Rep. Imee Marcos, who celebrated her 45th birthday yesterday.

At the rally, Marcos Jr. read a statement of support for Mr. Estrada, drawing loud applause from the crowd. His mother, on the other hand, sat on the stage near the President.

When his turn to speak came, Mr. Estrada expressed appreciation to the crowd and called Mrs. Marcos the most beautiful first lady in Philippine history.

"In times of crisis, you’ll find out who your true friends are and this was proven by Gov. Marcos," the President said. He outlined a number of irrigation projects for the province and presented a check for P500,000 to improve provincial health centers.

Mr. Estrada repeated his claim that he did not receive a single centavo from the operation of the illegal numbers game jueteng and expressed confidence he would be cleared in the congressional impeachment hearings, which he said will bring back stability and confidence in the economy.

He urged the crowd to ignore "the noisy few" demanding his ouster.

The President later had lunch with the Marcoses and visited the mausoleum containing the dictator’s remains.

The Ilocos Region now appears to be divided between Mr. Estrada and Ilocos Sur Gov. Luis "Chavit" Singson, the President’s former drinking and gambling buddy who accused him of receiving hundreds of millions of jueteng money.

During yesterday’s rally, two of Singson’s relatives – Representatives Eric and Grace Singson – came to present the President a manifesto of support.

Singson earlier criticized Governor Marcos for the rally, accusing him of having a "hidden agenda." In his homecoming of Vigan last week, he was welcomed by a big crowd of supporters who backed his call for the President’s ouster. With AP

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