Waste disposal fees, anyone?

Local Government Units (LGUs) will be forced to collect waste disposal fees from households, business establishments and government agencies once a new sanitary landfill is operated by a private company.

A source in the Manila Metropolitan Development Authority said the agency is set to conduct a bidding for the establishment, management and operation of the new sanitary landfill on June 6.

Under the terms of preference approved by the Metro Mayors Council (MMC), the winning bidder shall provide the site, technology and financing.

"The MMDA's task once the new sanitary landfill opens will be limited to supervision. The LGUs will be compelled to pay waste collection fees to the private firm that would operate the new landfill. As a result, the LGUs will then set the corresponding fees to be paid by the household, business establishment and other government agencies to recoup their expenses," the source said.

The source added that in 1991 the MMDA pushed for the collection of garbage disposal fees from the LGUs to ensure the effective collection of waste.

"However, the proposal was turned down because it was politically unpopular," the source said.

Households, business establishments and government agencies in Metro Manila are producing 6,000 metric tons of garbage everyday.

At least 65 percent of the 6,000 metric tons are collected and dumped to the final disposal sites such as the San Mateo landfill and the open dumpsites in Payatas, Quezon City, and Catmon in Malabon.

The remaining 35 percent are thrown by the wayside, in creeks, riverbanks vacant lots and drainage systems.

From an original 17, interested bidders are now down to 15 due to difficulties in meeting the strict requirements and high standards set by the Greater Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Committee.

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