Cebuano to be nailed for 11th time amid money-making raps

CEBU - Hundreds of curiosity-seekers and believers are expected to flock to the southern town of Carcar tomorrow, Good Friday, to witness Gilbert Bargayo's re-enactment of the crucifixion and death of Christ.

not_entLast year, Bargayo's nailing on the cross triggered controversies, which were squelched for a moment, when he decided to move his penitential vow to Babag, Opon. This year, he goes back to Carcar to be nailed for the 11th time.

Bargayo is all set for the event despite the spate of opposition and icy disinterest of Carcar folk.

A resident said the locals do not care about his "much-publicized crucifixion" and that it is watched mostly by people from outside Carcar.

Residents also accused him of making money, alleging he was able to buy a motorcycle immediately after a crucifixion and was seen betting in the town's cock derby.

Bargayo's helpers are alleged to be donning hoods and black cloaks and carry around donation boxes. Spectators are also encouraged to throw money when he passes by.

A priest from the town said if Bargayo intends to be nailed again, it should not involve money or the people.

Fr. Marnell Mejia of the executive committee of the Jubilee Year Celebration, however, said the Church will respect the personal choice of Bargayo as long as he keeps his promises.

Bargayo promised to put up a chapel from the proceeds of his "crucifixion" but still has to fulfill his pledge.

"What the Church can do is to urge Bargayo and his supporters to fulfill his promise of (building) a chapel," Mejia said.

Residents said Bargayo's Way of the Cross passes through the homes and business establishments of prominent people, including politicians.

But Bargayo said he would take a different route tomorrow. The re-enactment will start from Barangay Awayan to Perrelos, Carcar.

This change in the route again raised speculations that he has purposely shortened his route because he has lesser "sponsors" this year.

But Bargayo shrugged off the allegations as "trials" expected to be thrown at someone who decides to "serve the Lord." He also dismissed rumors that he was making money out of his crucifixion.

"I am used to that. If that was the case, I could have been very rich now," he said.

Unlike the past nailings, Bargayo said he will shoulder the expenses for this year's re-enactment.

He said he does not ask for donations but accepts assistance from people who offer them.

He said financial help from donors help augment the expenses for the costumes and snacks of his assistants. However, one of his assistants said he has not received a single cent from Bargayo.

Bargayo, who is facing murder charges in Leyte and is out on bail, intends to be nailed only until next year, in fulfillment of a 12-year promise. But he said he will continue if there will be "spiritual guidance" through another vision.

He will be carrying a 120-kilo yakal cross and will be nailed using four- to five-inch specially made nails.

He claimed that his wounds heal within three to four days and that he has fainted while on the cross once. He said he slept for 15 minutes while he was on the cross once because he had a few drinks the day before the re-enactment.

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