Dumping of waste into Manila Bay ordered probed

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Antonio Cerilles ordered yesterday an investigation on whether or not the hotels and restaurants along Roxas Boulevard are using proper sewerage disposal systems.

In a directive, Cerilles strictly ordered Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) general manager Joaquin Mendoza to identify and impose sanctions against hotels and restaurants found illegally dumping their wastes into Manila Bay which violates Presidential Decree 984 or the pollution control law.

Cerilles said that his agency has received reports that some hotels and restaurants along Roxas Boulevard are allegedly violating Presidential Decree 984.

Under PD 984, violators are fined P5,000 per day of violation.

Failure to pay the fine within the time specified by the LLDA would mean closure or stoppage of operations.

"Any establishment found illegally discharging sewage or wastes or exceeding allowable standards set by the DENR, ex-parte , shall be issued an order by the LLDA for temporary suspension of operation, which is immediately executory," Cerilles said.

He said that at present only about 20 percent of Metro Manila has proper sewage which even dates back to the American occupation.

Under the mandate of the LLDA, any person or establishment must first secure a permit to operate from the LLDA before they could, among others, "construct, install, modify or operate any sewage works or any extension or addition; increase in volume or strength of any wastes in excess of the permissive discharge specified under any existing permit."

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