Public warned on anti-cancer drugs

Cancer can be fatal, but self medication is more deadly.

The Department of Health (DOH) issued this warning yesterday amid the reported proliferation of anti-cancer drugs that claim to provide miracle cures for the growing number of Filipinos afflicted with the dreaded disease.

The DOH stressed that anti-cancer drugs are very potent pharmaceutical preparations which should be strictly administered only by qualified medical professionals.

"Anti-cancer drugs have low margins of safety," DOH officials said, noting the toxic effects in all therapeutic doses of the medicines.

They added that anti-cancer drugs should be given by qualified medical practitioners only to people who have been properly diagnosed as suffering from malignant tumors.

Although ideal anti-cancer drugs destroy cancer cells without harming normal ones, experts said no such drugs exist at the moment.

DOH records showed that survival rates among cancer patients is highest among those suffering from breast cancer, while those with liver cancer had the lowest.

Records also revealed that about 71,000 new cases of cancer are detected annually and the illness now ranks fifth among the leading causes of death in the country.

The rising incidence of cancer apparently led to the proliferation of so-called "miracle drugs" that promise to provide various health benefits, including cures for cancer and other deadly diseases, to its users.

But the DOH said these miracle cures only aggravate the disease and lead patients to early death.

To prevent cancer, the DOH urged the public to observe a healthy lifestyle and avoid smoking and also alcohol. It also advised eating nutritious foods, engaging in regular exercise and having regular medical checkups.

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