SYNOPSIS:  A 12 year-old boy named Junjun finds himself running around his new found home, with children who taught him various Filipino games. Unaware of the impending relocation plans set to destroy their new home, Junjun continues to learn and play Bangsak, Bente Uno and other Filipino games with his friends. He soon discovers this demolition during a series of games that momentarily stops their play. Set against the backdrop of a slum area in Quezon City, Junjun and his friends return to their games—with or without a house to go home to.

FILMMAKER PROFILE:  Adi Bontuyan is a 21-year-old Communication Arts graduate from De La Salle University. He entered college aspiring to be a filmmaker and photographer. He was the photo editor of The Lasallian, De La Salle University's official English student publication. He joined and won several video and photography competitions inside the campus. Adi also produced several viral videos on the internet with over 1.7 million views on his Youtube page.   Currently, Adi is starting his own website and business while balancing freelance work. He shoots for GoArchers.com on his free time as he is a big supporter of his alma mater's sports programs. Adi loves watching films, travelling, and trying new things.

MAJOR CREDITS:  CAST:  Junjun-Luis Amodan, Eli-Sherleen Jan Surian, Dodong-Michael Bonapos, Alvin-Alvin Salipo, Elvis-Elvis J. Sabellano, Mark-Mark Asi Villanueva, Billy-Billy Carosa CREW: Casting:  Directed by Adi Bontuyan Assistant Director-Francis Beltejar Screenplay-Adi Bontuyan Concept-Francis Beltejar


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