For Sunshine Cruz, age is nothing but a number as she stays youthful and fit

Sunshine Cruz, now 43, is here to inspire us that age is nothing but a number. Yes, it comes with a different set of challenges but she faces this head-on, always improving herself in the process.
Photo Release

MANILA, Philippines — Much like the shifting of the seasons and all the changes that come with it, life too offers up its own myriad of surprises as we age. Through the years, we become more and more aware of different aspects of ourselves, especially our bodies.

While everyone deals with aging differently, 43-year-old actress Sunshine Cruz is here to inspire us that age is nothing but a number. Yes, it comes with a different set of challenges but she faces this head-on, always improving herself in the process.

Today she shares with us her habits and the wisdom that lets her stay healthy and youthful even through crisis.

Accepting change

As a working, single mom, Sunshine shares that it had been hard to stay healthy at first, what with the community quarantine necessitating strict stay-at-home measures and limiting things she used to do.

“It was quite a challenge. Being in my 40s, I’ve noticed that it is easier for me to get tired and gain weight,” she admits.

But soon as the instinct for self-care kicked in, she’s learned to adjust and stay healthy even when indoors. She’s chosen to look at the brighter side of things, and focus even more on her girls.

Putting in the work

Because of the current health crisis, it’s natural that this mom of three worries. This is why she’s taken the necessary precautions together with her children.

For one, exercising had become a must for boosting the immune system. She goes on to say that the long-drawn quarantine has made her realize that an exercise regime doesn’t need to be fancy nor should her gym equipment be pricey to get results.

Sunshine says that an exercise regime doesn’t need to be fancy nor should her gym equipment be pricey to get results.
Photo Release

“There are so many ways to incorporate movement even if we are just at home, like playing or walking the dogs, doing household chores and emulating simple workouts on YouTube, or copying TikTok videos with the kids—all of these can be a good exercise and actually double down as bonding time with the kids,” she shares.

Loving oneself

“We always have to remember to love ourselves enough to stay fit and healthy,” she reiterates.

Dedicating a fraction of her time to doing self-care is never time wasted. It’s all part of the discipline that makes her stronger, not just in body but also in mind.

She complements her fitness activities with a low-carb, high-protein diet that she had adopted since 2013. She confesses she still eats what she wants though, albeit in moderation. Fruits, veggies are regular in her diet, but she especially highlights milk as a major player in her arsenal for good nutrition.

Knowing what’s best for her

For Sunshine’s milk, she chooses Anlene.

Anlene with MoveMax has a unique mix of highly specialized nutrients that empower adults and enable movement and full mobility by keeping their bodies strong and healthy.

It has 2x more calcium compared to regular milk, has high protein for muscles, collagen for joints, and immune-boosting nutrients such as Vitamins C, A, B6, B12, and E, as well as magnesium and zinc.

For Sunshine’s milk, she chooses Anlene, now 2x more calcium compared to regular milk.
Photo Release

“I’ve been drinking Anlene milk two times a day every day. It has helped me with my mobility and ensures that I don’t have problems moving. I used to have difficulty with moving, dancing and working out with my kids but now it is the other way around and I am very proud to say that at 43, I am stronger and healthier and I feel that I am at my best,” Sunshine says. 

Kilos tayo!

With its brand of superior adult nutrition, you can rely on Anlene in championing youthful and healthy aging.

As part of its commitment, Anlene has launched its health and fitness movement, Anlene Kilos Tayo Araw-Araw!

The campaign serves as a means to educate and inspire Filipino adults on the importance of staying active by building healthy habits, both in movement and proper nutrition.

As part of its campaign, Anlene’s YouTube channel now features exercise demos and tutorials you can do at home. Made for beginners, choose a home workout depending on your goals, ranging from flexibility to strength training, to full body cardio and yoga—all of which you can adapt to your everyday routine.

Oras na para kumilos tayo. Kahit palaging nasa bahay, dapat active pa rin! Maglaan ng time araw-araw para kumilos-kilos at uminom ng Anlene everydyay, tulong para sa lakas at liksi ng ating katawan,” Sunshine invites everyone.

Start on your path to healthy aging, take the first step with a glass of Anlene.


For more information, visit the Anlene website here. Check out their official Facebook page here.

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