Cool Hub: A playground for creative self-expression

Manolo Pedrosa will talk about their interests and celebrity guests’ collections in the upcoming Kapuso video online series.

There is a new Kapuso online tambayan that sees artists talk about their collections and interests. It is a welcome addition to virtual conversations about such themes as acting and quarantined, new normal life. Cool Hub is it, with Ayra Mariano, Yasser Marta, Manolo Pedrosa and Myrtle Sarrosa as hosts with first episode guest Ashley Ortega. It will premiere tomorrow, Sept. 5 at 10:30 a.m. on GMA Artist Center’s YouTube Channel.

“There are four hosts with (their own) unique, distinct personality and different passions and interests,” said Manolo of the video content series in a recent virtual interview (that also had Ayra, Yasser and Ashley) with The STAR.

Yasser Marta

Cool Hub is a platform and a playground for the hosts and guests to express their interests and synergize with other people (like fellow hosts, celebrities and creative people like a journalist who dabbles in scrapbook making and calligraphy, as cited by Ayra).

“The expression of oneself and the idea of being productive,” Ayra continued the conversation on what the show’s title connotes. “Here, we will be able to know the collections of others that could also be (the audience’s) interests. (The latter) can get out of their comfort zone and learn something new.”

Ayra Mariano

From expression also comes the sharing of information and experiences that the audience will benefit from. “We share something to viewers that they can relate to or might (pique their) interest,” said Yasser. “(While they are staying home), (viewers) might be thinking of (projects) that they could do or hobbies they wanted to start on. We are here to help them out and guide them.” It can lead to basking in one’s “me-time” productively.

“With my experience doing the show, I can say it’s just me showing my personal (me-)time,” said Ashley. “I feel like me being Ashley at home. We feel (and become more of) ourselves (in the comforts of our home), lumalabas yung pagiging natural natin. I don’t see Ashley the celebrity, who is all glammed up. It is me opening up to people in a more natural way.”

Although most of them, including Ashley, have done hosting stints before, the Cool Hub people find the work challenging.

“The struggle is to always keep the conversation with someone (going) to avoid dead air,” shared Ashley. “You should have follow-up questions... You need (to know) what you want (like your objective as a host) and what you say. You have to be sensible.”

“Being nervous (and anxious) is still there as well as the (feeling of) fear,” added Yasser. “With hosting, kailangan mong sundan yung (train of thought ng) guests. Even if you’re good at talking, you have to base your questions on your guests’ (let’s say, lifestyle). When it comes to acting, you can focus on your character and study it. In hosting, the vibe changes, (from moment to moment), ang daming pwedeng puntahan. It is very impromptu (and spontaneous).”

As for Manolo, acting and hosting are skills that can be learned. “There’s pressure. But then I have to build my confidence. Personally, I like being myself. That part comes easy, but I’m not saying hosting is easy. As I said, it is a skill, which needs to be practiced. You should know your materials, your guests, you should know everything. It’s fun, so far, so good.”

To be yourself when hosting plays a part. However, if someone is a bit introvert like Ayra, presenting a show can be challenging, too.

“I’m more into writing than speaking,” she said. “(Hosting) pushes me to go beyond my limits. I need to study more about it and the episode topics. (Doing it is like) getting out of my comfort zone. I have to know the details because (being part of) Cool Hub is a collaborative effort.”

Since the show is a platform wherein the hosts and the guests can speak of their interests (and the former can also pitch ideas), headlining Cool Hub is an empowering experience to Ayra, Yasser and Manolo.

“It is an opportunity for us to (show) to viewers that we can be (collaborators), we can be content producers, we can be hosts,” said Manolo. “We can share our passions and interests... that we can connect to different kinds of people and share to them interesting and cool stuff.”

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