‘West Side Story in Rock’

Boy Camara and Gus Aldeguer

West Side Story tells of the gang war in New York between the Sharks (Puerto Ricans) and the Jets (whites).

In 1972, socialite Chito Madrigal produced West Side Story in Rock for the Anti-narcotics Foundation, Inc. with Nick Lizaso as director. It was shown at the CCP.

Let us meet some of the stars.  

Ronnie Henares and Chito Madrigal

June Keithley — Stage actress during her school days at St. Paul’s under the mentorship of the legendary Fr. James Reuter, SJ. Later in life, she became an accomplished TV host and ardent Marian devotee. She wrote a book and did a documentary on the Lipa miracle. She played Maria in West Side Story, the Puerto Rican girl.

Nick Lizaso and Tommy Abuel

Tommy Abuel — Award-winning stage-movie-TV actor. A lawyer by profession, he played Bernardo, leader of the Sharks.

Ronnie Henares — Singer, actor, talent manager. Orator during his college days. He portrayed Tony of the Jets, the love interest of Maria.

Mari-Len — Singer and dancer with her own musical program on TV, titled Mar-Len. She played the fiery Anita.

Gus Aldeguer — Folk singer and stage actor. He played Riff, leader of the American gang the Jets.

June Keithley and Mari-Len

Boy Camara — In a special role, singing Somewhere. Onstage, he was best known for Jesus Christ Superstar. He is now a successful businessman.

West Side Story in Rock was directed by Lizaso, current president of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) and chairman of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). Noted stage-movie-TV director and acto. — RKC

Cover of souvenir program


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