A ‘haus’ that cares

After the Sunday Mass, ChildHaus head Ricky Reyes sits with us and the cancer patients with their parents/guardians for a ‘family picture’
Photos by Ricky Lo

­That’s the best way to describe ChildHaus on F. Agoncillo St., in Paco, Manila, right across from the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) – a “haus” that serves as temporary shelter for children battling the Big C while they are undergoing treatment free of charge (including medicines).

Childhaus is the project of Ricky Reyes, formerly occupying a rented house somewhere in Quezon City until it moved a few years ago to the six-storey building in Paco, donated by the Sy family (Henry Sr. and son Hans).

Upon the invitation of Ricky, my colleagues and I…Ethel Ramos, Veronica Samio, Virgie Balatico, Erlinda Rapadas and Aster Amoyo...visited that “haus” Sunday last week to “surprise” ailing movie writer Leti Celi who was transferred there from a private hospital in Laguna where she had been confined for one week.

“Here,” said Ricky, “she doesn’t have to worry about anything. The medicines are free, donated by kind-hearted people, including the lab tests, and she has her daughter Jenny to take care of her.”

We heard the Mass officiated by volunteer priest Fr. Anthony Lucas, assisted by Fr. Ambrocious “Butchie” Doydora, together with the more than 104 patients and their parents/guardians staying on one floor (for boys) and another floor (for girls), sleeping on double-decked beds (patients at the lower and parents at the upper).

For many years now, the well-maintained Childhaus has been taking care of the patients, with some returning to their own homes (in Metro Manila or in provinces) after their treatment.

Childhaus spends around P10M to P11M a month for the patients’ food alone (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

“This is strictly a private effort,” said Ricky who checks on the “haus” regularly and doesn’t miss the Sunday Mass. “We don’t know where the money is coming from, basta dating na lang nang dating. There are so many donors, most of them remain anonymous.”

Patient (movie writer) Leti Celi (on wheelchair) with Ricky (back row, rightmost) and (front row, from left) Fr. Ambrocious ‘Butchie’ Doydora, Ethel Ramos and Veronica Samio; and (back row, also from left) Your Funfarer, Aster Amoyo, Virgie Balatico, Erlinda Rapadas, Leti’s daughter Jenny and Fr. Anthony Lucas.

After the Mass and a simple lunch prepared by the Haus staff, Ricky took us on a quick tour — the social hall at the second floor, the sleeping quarters on the third and fourth floors, the study room and library, the medicine room and the playground at the rooftop.

The good news is that a new building, also donated by the Sy family, will welcome more patients (70 to 80) when it opens anytime now on #19 Mapangakit St., Quezon City.

“All this is made possible by my Tatang Henry and my good friend Hans,” said Ricky. “Kung wala sila, baka wala ring ChildHaus.”

(E-mail reactions at rickylophilstar@gmail.com. For more updates, photos and videos, visit www.philstar.com/funfare or follow me on Instagram @therealrickylo.)    

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