Meet Megan, the beauty advocate

Megan Young as the latest Cosmo Skin endorser: I’m very content with my life right now... I’ve learned to love what I have and don’t have.

MANILA, Philippines — Megan Young takes on a new role: That of a beauty advocate. Given her Miss World (beauty with a purpose) and showbiz (celebrities as role models) roots, it is not an uncharted territory.

“I think in anything that I do, there’s always some sort of advocacy, whether it be helping kids... giving knowledge and education to people,” said Megan of her being the newest Cosmo Skin endorser during a media call. “Everything and anything that I do has that aspect to it. Yes, I would consider it sort of beauty advocacy.” Miss World, said the actress-beauty queen, has made her more active in her social work.

Like most Pinays in their youth, Megan didn’t follow an elaborate beauty regimen that ladies can’t do without.

“(I was) very boyish in a sense that you know like I just go with the flow, wash my face,” recalled Megan, comparing her old ways to her now, “intensive,” beauty essentials or habits. “Now I’m very conscious about what I put into my body, with the food that I eat, with what I drink and the supplements I do take.” Part of that wellness and beauty routine is taking Cosmo Skin L-Glutathione and Cosmo Skin Marine Collagen Powder Drink of Bargn Farmaceutici (Philippines) Company Laboratories. According to the information provided by the company, the former is an antioxidant, whitening food supplement for men and women, while the latter helps women in maintaining their youthful beauty.

“I need to be (health) conscious because I’m looking at taking care of myself for the long run,” Megan added.

On overcoming flaws, Megan says: It took a lot of energy. It took a lot of, I guess, positive reinforcement and a more positive outlook. —Photo from Cosmo Skin FB page

As an advocate of having healthy skin and healthy lifestyle, Megan walks the talk.
“I tried to make sure to incorporate that (taking Cosmo Skin and living healthy) with the people around me also. (It) is not just taken by me. It is something that I extend to my brother and my sister,” she said. “I extend it to my driver, to my personal assistant. I share that with the people around me. I want to make sure that the people around me are healthy and happy — (that) their well-being is in a good state.”
Before she became the Megan Young that we know today, she had had those usual teenage cares or worries.

“I’ve never had that mentality na ang ganda-ganda ko o ang pangit-pangit ko. Although when I was younger, I had insecurities,” she shared. “Hindi ko naman necessarily sinasabi ko na ang pangit naman nito. It’s more of how I wished it was more like this, how I wished it was more like that.” Megan said her young self was teased “parang isda” because of her full lips. She also thought then that her “super thin” frame was a flaw.

“Yeah, these are flaws for other people,” she said. “(I told myself,) ‘How can I make it work?’ It was me finding solutions... like ‘How can I make it better?,’ ‘How can I make it stand out?’ It took a lot of energy. It took a lot of, I guess, positive reinforcement and a more positive outlook (in overcoming those flaws).”

Asked where she is now at her life, Megan replied, “I’m very content with my life right now. I’m very happy. I’m happy that I’ve reached a point na masasabi ko na masaya ako sa kung anong meron ako. Kung madagdagan, okey lang. Kung hindi, okey lang. Kung mabawasan, okey lang din. I’ve learned to love what I have and don’t have. Like I said, paulit-ulit kong sasabihin, it does take awhile to get there and it does help that I have great people around me to support that.”

As for her personal life, err, love life, Megan quickly said, “Mabuti.” And that’s good to know.

(Cosmo Skin L-Glutathione and Cosmo Skin Marine Collagen Powder are available at such leading drug stores as Watsons, SM Beauty Section and Mercury Drug. For details, visit Instagram@cosmoskin.)

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