Who’s the one positive influence in your life?

Family will always be there for us and influence our lives. Then there are friends, co-workers, famous personalities that inspire us and have a positive influence in our lives. We asked personalities to describe that one person that has been a positive influence on their lives. Who’s yours?

Sonja Ocampo, founder and head baker, Cupcakes By Sonja

Bill Yosses, ex-pastry chef of the White House and Bouley Restaurant.  I really wanted to work at Bouley Bakery & Restaurant at the time.  It was the day after the New York Times gave them the highest star rating when I came in for an interview and practically begged him to take me in. I was fresh out of Manila, no working papers or previous work experience, and he really just took a gamble on me. He immediately gave me a job and helped me get a working visa. I learned so much from that experience that it made me dream of having my own bakery someday.

Hindy Weber Tantoco, organic farmer and fashion designer

Our yayas, Divina Bedija and Annabelle Sobrevega, make a positive impact on our lives. We would not be able to do everything we do without their tireless support. They help care for our children like their own, they make nutritious meals for us, they keep our home clean and tidy, and most of all, they bring a lot of warmth and laughter into our household.

Sunshine Cruz,actress

Aside from my family, my best friend of almost 25 years, Jun Natividad, is a positive influence in my life. He’s been very supportive, always assures me that I am good at what I do and challenges me to strive harder.

Eileen de Leon,businesswoman

Madeleine Tuviera (wife of Eat Bulaga producer Tony Tuviera), whose wisdom I have sought since I was a 21-year-old getting married. She’s helped me ever since in different aspects of life. I can honestly say that I am a better me, a more successful me, and a stronger me because of her.

Millie Reyes,restaurateur

It’s Sister Nieves of St. Paul College of Manila. She was my teacher and high school principal. She was my mentor and confidante. Although many of my schoolmates were terrified of her because she was very strict, I always felt at ease with her. She believed in my leadership qualities, she encouraged me to pursue my career and was very proud of my achievements.  I have seen her through the years and each time, I am surprised to learn that she seems to have been following the significant events in my life. I know I have a special place in her heart, just as she does in mine.

Patricia Santos,fashion designer

Padre Pio. I was just starting in my career at 21 and there were a lot of obstacles and challenges in my life. I thought I was hopeless and wanted to quit. So I started praying to God and would always call out to Padre Pio and ask him to pray for me too. I had my first bride few weeks after and everything just followed. So I strongly believe that with hard work, prayers and strong faith, our hopes, wishes and dreams can come true.

Looie Lobregat, designer, Linea Etnika

Quezon City Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte.  “I’ll be your partner!” she said with so much eagerness as we shopped for twin wooden mannequins. And that’s how Linea Etnika, our retail clothing social enterprise, began.  A genuine friend and my business partner, she is also People Asia’s Person of the Year for Public Service. I was a banker turned mompreneur and Joy gave me the boost of confidence I needed. Despite her busy schedule, she provided the moral support, listening ear, and humbly manned our booth at various fairs. She truly empowers women and is such an inspiration.

Former Tawi-Tawi Rep. Princess  Soraya C. Jaafar

My father, who up to now is the guiding light for my siblings and my own children. Of course, through time we get to meet friends that become family and Ferdi Salvador is one of them for close to 20 years now.  He has become a business partner, guardian to my young kids, constant companion and listener. I can say that our relationship has gone to a different level wherein he knows exactly what I’m thinking and what I’m going to do even before me. I can see us growing together and still laughing at each other. With him, my best friend, there is forever, after all.

Denise Weldon-Minana, photographer

A friend who has remained a beautifully grounded and authentic pillar of friendship and strength from the time our friendship began. Through her open heart and genuineness, she shows me the complexities of life and the layers that exist within all of us. Regardless of the challenges that have come our way, we always manage to sustain a ridiculous sense of humor and end our talks with gales of laughter.

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