Something unique to offer

Benedict Cumberbatch plays the title role

Film review: Doctor Strange

MANILA, Philippines – To be honest, when I first watched the trailer of Marvel’s Doctor Strange, the film that was supposed to introduce Magic & Sorcery into the Marvel Comic Universe, I was cautiously optimistic as the trailer looked like a mishmash of Inception effects merged with a storyline that had shades of Karate Kid and Kung Fu Panda written all over it. With so much CGI held up as the premise for the film’s success was even wondering if one truly needed the likes of proven thespians Benedict Cumberbatch and Tilda Swinton to bring the film to another level. After all, it looked like they would only be mired in acting to a green screen and drowning in all the effects.

I am now happy to report that while the CGI does dominate the proceedings, there definitely is more than meets the eye in this film and if anything, Marvel has refreshed its Universe and gifted us with a very compelling Doctor Strange. And that Cumberbatch shines throughout, investing his portrayal with a swagger and aplomb that we last had with Robert Downey Jr., when he took on the armored suit of Iron Man.

Yes, there is room for consummate acting chops in the Marvel Universe; and while Oscar nominations may not be in the cards for them, they certainly raise the level of how these comic-book characters are brought to the screen — and I would specify IMAX screen and in 3D, as otherwise, you’re missing out on so much cinematic enjoyment. The opening action sequence alone demonstrates how Marvel has raised the stakes in utilizing CGI to bring us this shifting world of magic and conjuring. 
Dr. Stephen Strange (Cumberbatch) is a highly successful neurosurgeon when we meet him, arrogant beyond belief and smug to the point where he is making bets on music trivia while performing surgery. He survives a horrific car accident (Don’t text and drive!), but is robbed of the use of his hands; and traditional medicine can find no cure. Forced to look for healing in the unlikeliest of places, Kamar-Taj in Nepal, he encounters the Ancient One (Swinton) and is introduced to a world of Magic & Sorcery, where it is not just healing that is on the agenda, but a pitched battle against dark forces that aim to destroy our very concept of reality.

Time, gravity and reality are just concepts in this world, concepts that can be stretched, bent and drafted to serve one’s purpose; and Strange’s journey becomes one of having to decide if he is up to the challenge of saving the world, or out to just heal himself and return to his former world of status and fortune as a surgeon. In this world changing scenario, European actor Mads Mikkelsen is our villain, and Chiwetel Ejiofor is the acolyte who brings Strange to the Ancient One. Directed by Scott Derrickson, who was previously known more for his horror films, the film is structurally an origins story, but thanks to the acting and the visuals, has something unique to offer. 

Having said that the acting and the visuals are the major strengths of the film; I must admit that Mikkelsen, a wonderful Danish actor, is wasted as his villain is so one-dimensional, with no trace of shading whatsoever. Ejiofor is held back in this film; but the promise of what awaits us in the second installment will hopefully correct this. Swinton is impeccable as the Ancient One and kudos to the producers for this excellent bit of casting. And, of course, there’s Cumberbatch, who truly exhibits his arc without losing sight of what defines the personality of neurosurgeon Strange. One can only look forward to the film when Strange and Tony Stark (Iron Man) will meet and when an acting duel can ensue.
     Trippy, psychedelic and loopy thanks to the amazing visuals, and yet grounded with wonderful acting; Doctor Strange should win over legions of fans who may have felt jaded with how the Marvel Comic Universe was unfolding.

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