A book on starting life again... today

MANILA, Philippines - Marc Lopez, an educator and Catholic lay preacher, launches his book about a chance to begin again in life titled Hit Your Life’s Reset Button, You Can Start Again Today.

Marc coaches his readers on discovering their true identity, moving forward, and experiencing breakthrough. He shares stories about his family life, including how he lost a younger brother to murder, his wife’s battle with ovarian cancer and eye-opening experiences that will make the reader see things on a lighter perspective — despite heavy trials and life’s busyness.

Marc’s stories encourage the readers to start a new chapter in life, refreshed and whole. Fulfilling your dreams and starting anew is highly possible through the pages of the book.

Hit Your Life’s Reset Button is published by Shepherd’s Voice Publications, Inc., through its self-publishing arm, Life Dream Books. Shepherd’s Voice Publications is a print media company founded by lay preacher Bo Sanchez.

The book is available at National Book Store, Powerbooks, Fully Booked and other leading bookstores nationwide. Orders may be coursed through www.kerygmabooks.com.

For details, call 725-9999 or e-mail sales@shepherdsvoice.com.ph.

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