Nice Day for a nice lady

MANILA, Philippines - Alice Dixson (photo) has been having a nice day lately.

Is it a new passion? A new lover, perhaps?

“No, no, no,” says Alice who became a household name because of her “I Can Feel It” TV ad.

“It’s actually my new coffee,” she reveals.

How could coffee make her days nicer?

“Well, it has helped me lose some weight as it detoxifies my body. I sleep more soundly and maintain my complexion with the help of the coffee I drink,” she adds.

Alice is talking about Nice Day Coffee and its variants — White, Slim and Cleanse. Nice Day Coffee White contains glutathione, collagen and sucralose. The famous glutathione not only whitens skin, but also detoxifies harmful compounds so that they can be removed from the body and has an anti-aging effect.

Nice Day Coffee Cleanse is a package full of goodies for your health. It has ganoderma, grape seed, goji berry, cranberry, sylimarin, spirulina and coconut sugar. Ganoderma is a bitter and hard mushroom used in Chinese traditional medicine for longevity and health. Ganoderma is rich in antioxidants that strengthens the immune system, helping control high blood pressure, strengthens the liver, aids the respiratory and circulatory systems, and lessens lung problems.

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