Simple but elegant

Sen. Grace Poe with Sen. Chiz Escudero

MANILA, Philippines - When it comes to fashion style, Sen. Grace Poe wants to keep it simple.

The senator has not strayed much from her signature look even before she ran for office: White polo, blue jeans and black shoes.

Fashionistas see it as Sen. Grace’s way of exuding self-confidence and femininity. Her natural fashion sense explains why the senator doesn’t require the services of a resident stylist.

She once told reporters that she always carries in her bag powder and lipstick, in case she needs a quick touch-up.

So what else does Sen. Grace tote in her bag? A wallet, cellphone, ID, ballpen, tissue, cologne, mints, rosary, reading glasses, sun glasses, lucky charms from her mom Susan Roces, peppermint essential oil and mosquito repellant.

“Sometimes, I also carry documents for a meeting,” she says.

 “It’s a heavy bag!” she adds.

In the coming months, however, Sen. Grace’s wardrobe will be one of the elements that will be in focus. She has topped recent surveys on presidential contenders for next year’s elections. She has not publicly announced her plans, but if she does join the presidential derby, her rivals will definitely waste no time scrutinizing her from head to foot. 

It will be difficult, however, to find weak spots in her confidence and poise.

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