Netizens: Winwyn 'victim of network war'

Winwyn Marquez during the swimsuit competition of the Bb. Pilipinas 2015 grand coronation night. Asuncion

MANILA, Philippines - After the winners of the 2015 Binibining Pilipinas were announced last night, Binibini 34, Teresita Ssen "Winwyn" Marquez, instantly became a trending topic on social media.

During the question and answer portion of the competition, General Catapang asked Winwyn a timely question:

If you win one of the crowns tonight, will you become an Ambassadress of good will? What is your message of peace for your fellow Filipinos, especially at this time?

Winwyn answered flawlessly by indicating the importance of dialogue:

I would tell to the fellow Filipinos that we should learn the importance of dialogue to be able to have a conflict resolution. Filipinos have integrity. They have passion and they’re determined to persevere. If we all unite and just be able to help one another, then we will achieve peace. Thank you.

RELATED: Binibining Pilipinas 2015 question and answer

The audience applauded in delight upon hearing her answer. However, when winners were announced, her name was not included, which led to the disappointment of many.

Some said that Winwyn is a victim of another network war:

Most of then expressed their disappointed because Wynwyn nailed the Q&A portion:

Even former beauty queen Ruffa Gutierrez was impressed:

There were some Netizens who claimed that Pia Wurtzback only won because she's a tree-timer on the pageant:


Meanwhile, Winwyn seems to be overwhelmed by the support that she got last night.

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