IN PHOTOS: Foreign music artists feel out Pinoy crowd, local music

Kid Ink performing at the main stage of the 7107 International Music Festival on Saturday, February 22. (Photo by RP Ocampo)

CLARK FIELD, PAMPANGA –  Members of the British band The Natives were admittedly surprised  that the crowd at the 7107 International Music Festival welcomes their performance warmly, despite being based literally “on the other side of the world.”

The group is among the first acts that performed in the ongoing music fest on Saturday, February 22 at the Global Gateway Logistics City in Clark Field, Pampanga.

RELATED: It’s on: 7107 int’l music festival goes on full blast despite intrigues

“Something we noticed in this country in general, everywhere we go people are so welcoming that you really feel at home here. We’re having a great time,” said Natives vocalist Jim Thomas in an interview with the press after their performance.

The same goes for hip hop artist Kid Ink, who performed at around five in the afternoon in the 7107 main stage (there’s a separate secondary stage for the local acts).

“Everything about going overseas and doing these big shows is surprising because I don’t know how I reached this market,” hip hop artist Kid Ink said.

This is generally the feel of the first day of the 7107 music festival—the crowd gets to listen to possibly new and otherwise unfamiliar notable foreign artists, while the foreign artists get to reach out to a wider audience.

Both Kid Ink and Natives would also want to check out some of local bands performing today. 

"It’s fun to be at a festival because you could grab fans you couldn’t have grabbed in regular places because they don’t go to the websites you regularly post music on. It’s good to grab fans from different musical genres,” Kid Ink said.

Here are select photos from day one of the 7107 International Music Festival (Photos by RP Ocampo)

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