Stories: The Miracles of Jesus

MANILA, Philippines - Who is Jesus? Son of God?A beacon of hope?Messiah? Or was he merely a miracle worker? The news of Jesus, who is said to be the Son of God, spread like wildfire across the Holy Land. But who is he, really? At a time when claiming to be of divinity was considered blasphemous and was punishable by death, could the people really have believed that Jesus was, indeed, of holy descent? In light of the holiday, the world is   celebrating, BBC’s special documentary film The Miracles of Jesus takes us back in time to trace the evidences of Jesus’ works and the impact of those towards the people then and now in one of the world’s oldest cities in the world — Jerusalem.

The documentary aims to look closely at four of Jesus’ most famous miracles — the feeding of the 5,000  men, the raising of the widow’s son from the dead, Jesus walking on water and the changing of water into wine at a wedding in Cana. Each of these miracles provoked a radically different perception of Jesus.

Watch Stories: The Miracles of Jesus until Dec. 27 at 8 p.m. on Solar News Channel.

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