Syria situation, ‘medical’ marijuana in 60 Minutes

MANILA, Philippines - In the aftermath of a chemical weapons attack in the Syrian civil war, Charlie Rose speaks to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Scott Pelley interviews US President Barack Obama.

Until recently, deputy CIA director Michael Morell was the man who briefed Obama on the situation in Syria and other security issues. In his first TV interview, the retired spy tells CBS senior correspondent John Miller what he told the president and what he feels needs to be done to prevent Syria from becoming a terrorist haven.

Meanwhile, of all the states that have legalized the growing and selling of medical marijuana, none has more at stake than Colorado, where a thriving industry has created jobs and revenue. But as Steve Kroft reports, it’s still against federal law.

Catch these interesting stories in 60 Minutes airing Wednesday nights at 8 on Solar News Channel.

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