GMA News TV presents Ako Si Ninoy

MANILA, Philippines - “I have returned on my free will to join the ranks of those struggling to restore our rights and freedoms through non-violence. I seek no confrontation. I only pray and will strive for a genuine national reconciliation founded on justice. I return from exile and an uncertain future with only determination and faith to offer — faith in our people and faith in God.”

The statement above is an excerpt from the prepared arrival speech of Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. which he was supposed to deliver upon his return to the Philippines following his three-year exile in the US. But this was never said nor uttered.

Minutes after his plane landed on the fateful day of Aug. 21, 1983, Ninoy was gunned down and murdered at the Manila International Airport. A fact-finding commission was formed to investigate, arrests have been made and suspects involved in his assassination landed in jail. But the perpetrator of the crime remained unknown up to this day. Ninoy’s death catapulted him to martyrdom and would later make him a hero. Some would claim his assassination might have helped change the course of Philippine history. His widow, Cory Aquino, would be forced to run and become president, ending the 20-year rule of Ferdinand Marcos by virtue of a peaceful People Power Revolution in February 1986.

On the occasion of Ninoy Aquino’s 30th Death Anniversary, GMA News TV presents Ako si Ninoy, a timely and relevant documentary which aims to retell the highlights of Ninoy’s personal and political life — his battle against the dictatorship, his imprisonment of seven years during martial law, his family’s exile in the US — until his tragic decision to return home ultimately led to his death in August of 1983. 

Ako si Ninoy aims to re-introduce the historical significance of Ninoy’s life and legacy to the younger generation, many of whom have very little or no knowledge other than what they learned in school. All of the important events in Ninoy’s life will be recounted through the eyes of his colleagues, friends, subordinates, siblings and children. 

Dingdong Dantes provides the narration of selected poetry, essays and letters of Ninoy, written during his seven-year stay in jail during martial law.

Ako si Ninoy airs Aug. 24 at 9:45 p.m.

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