Bottomline tackles P-Noy’s SONA

MANILA, Philippines - After Pres. Noynoy Aquino’s (photo) controversial and longest-running State of the Nation Address (SONA) that lasted for one hour and 43 minutes, The Bottomline With Boy Abunda will discuss tonight the public’s thoughts and opinion about the recent proclamation of achievements and plans of the Aquino government.

Together with University of the East (UE) College of Law dean and DZMM anchor lawyer Amado Valdez, host Boy Abunda will discuss and try to answer questions. What are the strengths and weaknesses of P-Noy’s fourth SONA? Was it able to answer all the issues that the country is facing? In Valdez’s opinion, how will the Aquino administration change the economy of the Philippines in the last three years of his term?

The Bottomline with Boy Abunda airs Saturday nights at 11:30 after Banana Split.


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