Paulo impressed by Amaia’s idyllic beauty

MANILA, Philippines - There is nothing more fulfilling than owning your own home, a concrete proof that your hard labor did not go to waste. Paulo Avelino cannot agree more. He knows how important it is to make sure that one’s hard-earned money is invested wisely since success did not come overnight to him.

Amid shrieks from the crowd comprised mostly of hardworking Batangueños at the Amaia Scapes Bauan grand launch, Paulo said that Amaia Land Corp.’s newest economic house and lot development is the perfect location for a residential community that gives one the feeling of being one with nature. Amaia Scapes Bauan’s 11.5 has project site at Bauan, Batangas Provincial Road in Barangay As-is, Bauan, Batangas which is bounded by two coastlines.

This also explains why Amaia Land Corp. chose a nautical theme for the launch that signifies the rise of Amaia Scapes in a coastal town that is ready to move forward and dream away. 

Paulo was impressed with the theme of the launch, owing to his being a lover of the sea. The 25-year-old actor grew up in the hilly terrains up north, so throughout his growing-up years Paulo had been dreaming of living near beaches and other bodies of water. He stressed that owning one of the 704 units at Amaia Scapes Bauan is like being treated daily to the beauty and bounty of the countryside.  

Being interested in design and architecture, Paulo was quick to point out that the venue of the launch was done in full nautical regalia, with a lifesaver by the entrance, and tables laden with miniature ships and lighthouses. The actor also noticed that Amaia Scapes’ design is of modern contemporary.

Activities such as photo opportunities with specially-painted scenarios that depict the nautical life as background, and a chance to decorate a mini aquarium for the first 10 buyers of an Amaia Scapes Bauan home also marked the open house which closely followed the entertainment part of the program.         

For details, visit or call 403-7633 or (043) 403-4105 or (043) 403-4108.

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