Cherry Pie’s ‘biggest trophy’

Cherry Pie as one of the Golden Screen honorees for the Dekada Award

MANILA, Philippines - Can Cherry Pie Picache play tennis as good as her young son?

The actress was surprised at the question, but she managed to reply. “Hindi naman pang-tournament ang laro ko,” she said with a sigh. “Hanggang club level lang ako, practice, ganun.”

Of course, I’ve heard that line before but I just wanted to ask her, especially now that her son, Jose Antonio Tria, has been winning in some tournaments. Nio’s recent conquest was topping the 12-and-under singles category in the Truflex national tennis tournament held in Cebu. He also teamed up with Jake Martin for the top prize in the 14-and-under doubles in the same tournament. More recently, Nio also competed in the Angeles City tournament and finished runner-up. Then, he won again in the Henry Lee tournament at the Manila Polo Club in Makati City.

At a very young age, it seems the son is giving his mother a run for the awards/trophies race. On the eve of his 11th birthday on April 28, Nio accompanied his mom to the 10th Golden Screen Awards of the Entertainment Press Society, Inc. at the Teatrino Greenhills in San Juan City.

Cherry Pie was one of the honorees for the Dekada Award: Gallery of Distinction, having won thrice in different categories during the last 10 years — Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role, musical or comedy, for Bridal Shower (2003), Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role for Twilight Dancers (2006); and Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role, drama, for Foster Child (2007).

In a way, the young man proved to be an adequate escort — with two assistants in tow — to his actress-mother, and he comforted himself so well before, during and after the awards night, with or without his mom beside him. Nio exuded a cool calmness and confidence for someone so young.

With son Nio, her biggest ‘trophy’ and greatest treasure

Even if educated in an exclusive/affluent school, he doesn’t have that “coño complex,” speaking straight Tagalog and talking straight with everyone, young and old alike. In other words, the child is well-bred in the truest sense of the word.

Like the unpretentious game of tennis, he has no airs. I sat beside him all throughout the entire proceeding and after. (Later, with the awards over before midnight, our small group proceeded to the Torch Bar and Restaurant, also in nearby Greenhills, to celebrate Nio’s natal day.)

Sporadically, I would converse with Nio and ask him about a few things. He always obliged in a pleasant and pleasing way. It is obvious that Cherry Pie has an eminent ace in her hand. Well, she could even let the young man out into the world without having to worry about a thing, under her overreaching wing, of course, in a manner of speaking.

Ancient sages say the relationship between a mother and her youngest son is very special. The bond is different, they say, and there seems to be a strong and invisible cord that binds them through the years. And more so if it is an only son, and an only child at that!

Such a keen observation is quite evident in Cherry Pie and Nio. Mother and son display a palpable spontaneity that goes beyond words. A casual look or a slight gesture is oftentimes enough to send a message or relay a thought of mutual understanding between them.

In fact, their mere presence is affecting, and the 43-year-old (on May 27) mother has made the right decision in giving more time for her son and putting him on top of her priorities. Indeed, good discipline comes with unconditional love and proper care; and Nio is a shining example of such thoughtful human upkeep.

Will Nio join showbiz eventually? It’s not likely, Cherry Pie quips. According to her, the boy is so engrossed with sports and shows no interest in acting or working behind the camera.

Right now, Nio’s preoccupation is tennis and that’s where he excels. And Cherry Pie always makes it sure that he gets everything he needs, including all the support she could afford and provide — material, moral and many more. Even the choice of Nio’s racquet brand — Babolat, undisputedly first rate — reflects something about his game and attitude, and the kind of support he gets from his parents.

Both mother and father make it a point to be with Nio wherever his game is. For instance, Cherry Pie took a leave from work and went with Nio to the Cebu tournament.

On the other hand, Nio’s father took care of him during the Angeles City tournament, while the actress was busy taping for Ina Kapatid Anak.

Even in her role in the said ABS-CBN drama series, the multi-awarded actress also gives her all, just as she does in her private life.

The actress’s love and concern for her son is appropriately mirrored in her love and concern for her “daughter Cely,” Kim Chiu’s character in Ina Kapatid Anak. Her trending on the Internet is not a fluke; it’s consistent with what she is and what she does in real life.

Consistent: The word more or less defines Cherry Pie Picache now — as a person, mother and actress. And her remarkable performance both in real and reel life leaves almost nothing more to be desired.

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