Rafael Centenera: Romantic all the way

Rafael is back from Malaysia to release a CD lite of love songs composed by Vehnee Saturno  

MANILA, Philippines - The world may turn topsy-turvy and life in the country may turn occasionally messy, but Pinoys’ flair for love and romance easily transcends all unwanted occurrences. And one romantic Filipino singer who takes us to soar above it all with his love songs is Rafael Centenera.

The romantic singer has a new CD lite album of six songs, with five of the love ditties written and set into music by no less than Vehnee Saturno. The sixth song has Vehnee’s lyrics with the music of Malaysian composer Eric Boon. All six songs are in Tagalog.

“Vehnee’s lyrics are different as far as Filipino love songs go: They don’t promise the moon and the stars. They don’t tell long stories. They go straight to the point and offer the life of the lover himself to the beloved. They are great simple love songs,” says Rafael who also croons in Spanish, English and Malaysian.

Rafael’s high esteem for Vehnee as a composer dates back to the time he was promoting an album he made in Malaysia, which a Filipino recording company marketed here. They met — and Rafael ended up to be the first one to record a Vehnee Saturno composition. The song was Ang Dahilan, and Rafael recorded it years before Vehnee hit it big with Be My Lady and Sandakot na Lupa.

Though born and raised in the Philippines, it was in Malaysia that Rafael’s singing career had to prosper. He met and fell in love with the charming Malaysian boutique owner-fashion designer Jenny Hui — and lived in Malaysia for 30 years so they can be together through thick and thin, so to speak.

In Malaysia, he recorded three albums in English and one in Malaysian. He sang in clubs and made a name in the circuit.

But, no, Rafael is back in the Philippines not because they have parted ways.

“We’re still as much in love with each other as in the day we married. Jenny has just been here in the country to bring me some outfits that I can use on TV and in the malls to promote the album. My wife fully supports my reason for being in the country,” reveals Rafael.

So, why is he back in the country?

“My answer to that is: What’s the use of being a Filipino singer if you have never recorded an all-Filipino album and you have never sung them to your kababayan in flesh and blood. If you’re a Filipino, you should find a way to sing to your countrymen in your motherland. I am here to sing to my countrymen even if only for a short while.”

It’s a great dream that his beloved Jenny understands. Says Rafael, “I’ve devoted to her almost 40 years of my life, so now she’s giving me enough time to fulfill a lifetime dream. She knows I will be back with her in no time at all.”

Get thrilled with the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, the memories of love lost and love regained — the many splendors of love in Ako Pa Rin Sa Iyo, Andrea, Bakit Ikaw, Basta’t Ikaw, Sa Kanya Ba? and Sumayaw ng Salsa.

Ako Pa Rin Sa Iyo is the cut that has Vehnee’s Tagalog lyrics based on the English song Missing You created by a Malaysian composer and which became a hit in the Philippines when it was released here as a single. Ako Pa Rin Sa Iyo will be the album’s carrier single.

Though five of the songs in the album have music and lyrics created by Vehnee, the songs have varying arrangers to enrich them with texture, style and overall musical impact. Among the album’s top-rated arrangers are Teddy Katindig, Albert Tamayo and Elmer Blancaflor.

(Rafael Centenera, the album, will be distributed by Viva Records, with Vehnee Saturno himself as producer.) 



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