Lucita Goyena as beauty-product model

Pre-war movie queen Lucita Goyena was the endorser or image model in 1940 of the beauty product 3 Sisters, ‘The powder of all stars and the STAR of all powders.’

3 Sisters was a product of Hermoso Drug Store, owned by Dr. Ciriaco Santiago and his wife Adela Hermoso, who in 1947 founded Premiere Productions, with Probinsiyana as their initial offering. It starred Carmen Rosales and Jose Padilla Jr.

Lucita’s first film was Teniente Rosario opposite Rogelio de la Rosa in 1937. Other starrers followed, among them, Pugad ng Agila, Punit na Bandila, Tinig ng Isang Bulaklak, Palaboy ng Diyos, Alaalang Banal, Dalagang Filipina and Viuda Alegre.

In 1940, Fernando Poe Sr. and Lucita were proclaimed king and queen of local movies. She was a recipient of the ‘Walang Kupas’ award in 1982 along with other screen immortals.

Lucita married Carlos Khan in 1941 and retired from acting. — RKC

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