They make the stars look even better

Bambbi Fuentes with three of his favorite stars: Kris Aquino (top), Marian Rivera (top, right) and Dawn Zulueta

When the stars enter Bambbi Fuentes’ salon on Timog Avenue, Quezon City, most of them seemingly straight out of bed, they emerge from it several minutes later as if they have just stepped out of a glossy fashion magazine.

Bambbi, the favorite of several stars led by his bosom buddy Kris Aquino, is one of the elite make-up experts who make the stars look even more beautiful than they already are. Two others are Ernal Forte (resident make-up artist of GMA) and Krist (pronounced like Christ) Bansuelo to whom celebrities owe their glowing image on those huge billboards all over the metropolis (modesty aside, I would say that it was Krist who made Pia Guanio and me look good on the House of Obagi billboards and posters).

Bambbi has been at it for more than 15 years, officially in 1997 when he put up his salon (“Noon ako naging Bambbi-Bambbi,” as he put it). One of his regular clients is Lolit Solis who has turned Bambbi’s salon into a tambayan, reporting there mid-morning on Saturdays before proceeding to the GMA Studio for the Startalk airing.

Krist, who has his own personalized high chair (with his name printed at the back), has the stars to thank for making them gorgeous on the covers of glossy magazines.

Ernal worked at Ador Reyes’ salon before he moved to GMA 10 years ago. He has touched all the faces of the Kapuso, one of them Rocco Nacino whom Ernal was giving a “retouch” during this interview.

In the following Q&A, the three make-up artists talk about their style:

Do you apply the same amount of make-up on a star who already has a beautiful face and one who is less gifted?

Krist Bansuelo (inset: with Claudine Barretto) and two of the cover girls (Angel Locsin and Heart Evangelista) that he has made up

Bambbi: Same requirement. The kind of make-up depends on what the occasion is, whether for magazine pictorial, a TV appearance or for a billboard. There’s also make-up for weddings, for santacruzan and for other occasions. Pareho lang ang treatment ko sa mga celebrities at non-celebrities. I see to it na pinagaganda ko sila.

Krist: Actually, the same. But it depends on the lighting. For example, even if the face is beautiful if the light is harsh, such as during a TV appearance or a pictorial for commercial, medyo makapal ang make-up so they won’t look pale.

Ernal: For weddings and pictorials, pareho lang. But for TV, it has to be heavier because of the klieg lights. If the face is very beautiful, usually only a slight make-up is needed. The others, medyo kakapalan ng konti.

Does the shape of the face (round, square, oval or heart) determine what kind of make-up is needed?

Bambbi: Not necessarily. What I do is ibinabagay ko ang make-up sa haircut or hairdo. But the strokes really differ, depending on the contour of the face. If the face is square-shaped, like that of Anne Curtis, medyo lubugin so iba ang strokes na dapat. But what affects the look if they lack sleep, they are not in a good mood or they are problematic like nag-away sila ng boyfriends nila, ganoon.

Krist: Whatever the shape of the face is, I do it in such a way na hindi halatang may make-up, parang natural lang ang look. If the face is payat, I apply a thicker foundation. Lack of sleep affects the face. Kahit anong gawin mong make-up if the eyes are droopy, mahahalata. So if they are shooting for a commercial, I advice them to get at least eight hours of sleep the night before.

Ernal: If the face is round, you give it a bit of “contour” so it will look good in the pictures. If the star, or even an ordinary person, is aburido, ay, nakakaloka! What I do is try to put her in the mood. I talk to her to take her mind away from whatever is bothering her. If they’re in a bad mood, it shows on the screen.

Is it good to have oily face?

Bambbi: It’s good. When dry, madaling magka-wrinkles so you have to apply moisturizer as often as possible.

Ernal Forte giving Kapuso actor Rocco Nacino a ‘retouch’

Krist: Oil helps make the face stay young, although it’s not nice to have an oily face especially if you appear on TV. Every time the face becomes oily, all you have to do is neutralize it with a simple “retouch.”

Any piece of advice to the stars (or anybody for that matter)?

Bambbi: Take off your make-up before going to bed and apply toner or moisturizer. Otherwise, the make-up could attract bacteria that might cause pimples. Besides, if you leave the make-up while asleep, magko-close ang pores mo.

Krist: Remove the make-up before going to sleep, otherwise magka-clog ang pores. The mascara can irritate the eyes, just like contact lenses if you forget to take them off before going to sleep. Also, very important: Keep on moisturizing.

Ernal: Stars usually forget to take off their make-up before going to bed because they are tired. Very bad! Worse is if they leave their mascara on. No matter how sleepy they are, they should take off their make-up and moisturize.

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