Poems for mothers and for us who love our mothers

MANILA, Philippines - Here are two poems contributed to Funfare by election lawyer Romy Macalintal in time for Mother’s Day tomorrow, May 13.

The first poem, Mother Dear, is a poem for all mothers as we express our love and undying devotion to them as we pay special tribute to them who brought us into this beautiful world. The second poem, Mother’s Prayer, is a sort of a response from all mothers who continuously pray for their children’s welfare and benefit.

Incidentally, Mother’s Prayer, is the poem to be read by Susan Schimmel, wife of US Consul General Michael Schimmel, in Romy’s radio program The Law Of The Heart Is Love on DWBR, 104.3FM, tonight at 8 to 9, with a replay tomorrow, Sunday, from 9 to 10 p.m.

These poems were written by James J. Metcalfe and lifted from his books, Daily Poem Portraits and More Poem Portraits, both published in the ‘50s.


Mother Dear

By James J. Metcalfe


Dear Mother, you are part of me, and I am part of you

And you are part of everything, I ever think or do.

And out of all the parts of life, I am or hope to be        

I need not tell you, Mother Dear, you are the best in me.

You are the sweetest of my songs, the truest of my friends

You are the sunshine in my heart, the dream that never ends.

You are the hand that comforts me, the smile that lifts me up

And you are all the sugar, at the bottom of my cup.

Oh, Mother Dear, there are some things, I cannot write or say

But all my love and gratitude… are all for you today.

* * *


Mother’s Prayer

By James J. Metcalfe

I thank you God, for blessing me, with motherhood on earth

And I adore and praise You for the miracle of birth.

I pray I may be worthy of your wondrous gift to me

And I may do my part in life for all humanity.

That I may raise my children right, and teach them what to do

To grow in strength and character, and always honor You.

For they belong to You, and they are only in my care

To comfort and protect them, and to help them with a prayer.

And that is why I make this plea, for wisdom and for grace

That I may do Your holy will, and fill my humble place.

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