Georgina, Raymond's sexy solutions

MANILA, Philippines - BFFs Georgina Wilson and Raymond Gutierrez are constantly in the limelight, whether on television, on the red carpet or in a star-studded fashion event. Being regulars in style blogs, both know the need to look their best at any angle — perfect, slim and streamlined. Even with constant diet and exercise, both friends needed help to get rid of the stubborn fat that just wouldn’t disappear. Fortunately, Sexy Solutions, a subsidiary of the Belo Medical Group, continues to be the perfect answer.

Sexy Solutions, a holistic fat-reduction initiative that harmonizes science, nutrition and exercise together, aids in changing one’s lifestyle inside and out. No matter how much time you put in eating right and working out, getting rid of those last few inches is the hardest. Breaking through the fat loss plateau, the Sexy Solutions’ first-class treatments make tight abs, firm thighs and toned arms easily achievable. Paired with an effective diet plan by renowned Biggest Loser Philippines nutritionist Nadine Tengco and expert consultation from fitness and sports science specialist Edward Mendez, getting to and sustaining that healthier, fitter and sexier you is no longer a dream, but a reality.

Asked whether they instantly felt a change after one session, Raymond said, “I already saw results! Instantly, in my first session, I lost four inches from my mid section. Of course, it’s up to you how to maintain it. For me, I balanced a proper diet and exercise regimen (like boxing) with regular treatments at Sexy Solutions.”

 Georgina stated, “I saw results immediately. Consequently, I became hooked instantly, too! Areas that I had practically given up on were immediately smaller. I already have a 25-inch waist! I actually couldn’t believe the measurements after the first time I tried it because they were so drastic! I loved it right away.”

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