Ricky Reyes salons sport new elegant interiors

MANILA, Philippines - Ricky Reyes is also known not only for his charitable heart of gold but also for his excellent business acumen.

But the one thing you cannot take away from the beauty expert is his perspective to always create and reinvent. He does it with himself splendidly all the time. That is perhaps one of the reasons why through thick and thin, throughout the tenures of all heads of state this country has ever undergone, through all the fashion and passion bursts and economic boom or bane, Ricky Reyes’ name remains.

His most recent burst of creativity can be gleaned from the new look of all his Ricky Reyes salons nowadays. The elegant Hollywood glam, with a touch of either Moroccan or Mediterranean twist to his design and overall look is now the subject of much admiration from his loyal clientele.

Ricky believes that change is a very good thing when put to good use. “In my salons, I make it a point that the customers will feel that they are the most important priority in it. We make changes to make them more comfortable and more at home while having their treatments or salon services,”

He said he had the lights dimmed at the shampoo area and the foot spa area to enable the customers to take a relaxing time just listening to soft music without the glare of lights, and enjoying the pampering that they deserve. Ricky said these are just some minute details he thought of that have received beautiful response from his clients.

Ricky Reyes salons can be found in all SM branches nationwide.

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