How Rubby Sy steered Flawless to success

Flawless CEO Rubby Sy credits the lessons of her parents, upbringing as well as passion and hard work as her driving force to succeed

MANILA, Philippines - At an age when most little girls were more concerned about collecting stickers or crayons, Rubby Sy was thinking of how to make a difference. Born with an enterprising spirit to a humble, close-knit Chinese family that strongly believed in hard work, Rubby discovered early on that her family could not support her burgeoning fashionista tendencies.

When she was only eight, Rubby already began working as a disbursing clerk and cashier at her parents’ auto supply business for P50 per week. With that small pocket money, Rubby was able to save and spend her earnings to buy the crayons, milk and books. Just a couple of decades later, Rubby is now making a difference, not just in her life but in the lives of millions of Filipinos as the CEO of the award-winning skincare enterprise, Flawless.

Presently enjoying its 11th year of success, Flawless has won several awards from the Philippine Retail Association (PRA) as the Outstanding Retailer of the Year, and is part of the PRA’s Hall of Fame — testament to the excellent customer service, medically-driven products and services, and the industriousness that drives the skin clinic’s operations. Truly, Rubby’s own humble beginnings have inspired the people behind the team to work hard — they are driven themselves by the company values of humility, integrity and passion, three values that Rubby has espoused in her entire life.

Born as the eldest to a traditional Chinese family, Rubby describes her family relationships as “typically Asian, very close and tight, respectful and loving.” As such, Rubby’s parents made it a point to hone the individual talents of each of their children by encouraging them to work for what they wanted. “(My parents) believed that (my siblings and I) are the best. They would not accept a performance less than perfect.” In spite of the perfectionist undercurrent, Rubby’s parents kept their children grounded and down-to-earth. She recalls, “In all (our) achievements, humility should be foremost… We should always remember our humble beginnings. We should always have it in our minds and hearts to inspire many, as well as to do and achieve what we are supposed to accomplish in life.”

As a result, Rubby is known within Flawless as being very hands-on — the CEO who gets her hands even dirtier than the regular employee. She has been known to remind her team of the importance of working hard in humility — which she defines as being well aware of one’s talents and skills but recognizing the need to use them to help others grow. She also pushes her team hard because she believes in every single one of them — and like the intuitive head of a growing family, she recognizes talents among her team.

The intuition that beats in the heart of Rubby is borne out of a creative passion. She may have been born a natural entrepreneur, but she is also in possession of a very feminine gene: Rubby is a true fashionista, as her fellow society doyennes can attest; a bookworm, brimming with knowledge and curiosity; and an artist, as the export community is well aware of. The want and desire for prettier clothes, newer books and better art materials drove Rubby then. Surrounded by affluent peers, Rubby was aware from a young age that she belonged to a simple family with simple needs. She never asked for more than her share. With four younger siblings, Rubby took on her fair share of sacrifices so that others could have more. Her parents worked hard to give them the best in life that they could offer. Rubby was encouraged to dream. Never in her life has Rubby ever felt down due to her family’s financial stature. Her parents made sure to remind her that dreaming is free — but without ambition, dreaming is an empty pasttime. Careful to temper her desires to what is within her reach, Rubby learned to live within her means but to expand on those said means, too.

Rubby went on to study at the Ateneo de Manila University. A consistent dean’s lister, she finished B.S. Management Engineering and B.A. Economics. Even in college, Rubby’s entrepreneurial spirit shone through — she used her lessons out of the classroom to help her various school organizations raise funds for their projects.

Upon graduation, Rubby was snatched up by Citytrust Banking Corp. Such a huge culture shock, such different people, such a strange world this fresh female graduate had entered, one where people don’t take no for an answer and you don’t get extensions on homework. But somehow, Rubby took to the working world like fish to water. After all, by the time she entered the work place, she was already an old hat at working and, driven by the need to succeed and to make ends meet, Rubby became the top seller in a matter of months at Citytrust. She worked harder than she had ever before, not just because of the generous sales commissions every month, but because she found something that challenged her to do better and be better. She received her mentorship from her parents.

Eleven years ago, during a trip to Tagaytay, Rubby had the idea of an out-of-town spa to provide rest to the weary capitalists of the Central Business District. Characteristic of Rubby, she latched on to the idea and nurtured it, allowing it to take its own shape, then pruning it as gently and passionately like it was the most delicate bonsai tree. Before long, Flawless was born — there was a need to provide medically sound and professionally driven skincare services to a market that couldn’t afford private dermatology clinics or international travels to exclusive skincare spas.

The first clinic was constructed in Megamall, a location that would allow the B and C markets to take a break from their office jobs and grocery shopping to indulge in a little bit of pampering. The idea was a huge risk. In the early 2000s, personal care was taboo. Discussing private beauty regimens was considered bad taste. Nevertheless, the clinic experienced a surge in sales — proving that there was definitely a need for the B and C markets to experience sound skincare — and they weren’t ashamed of it. Rubby was applauded by her peers for taking on a risky venture.

Flawless Aesthetic Clinic, now boasting of 33 clinics nationwide, has always been based on the premise of providing excellent skincare at affordable prices. Each clinic boasts its own licensed medical professional so that each visit means entrusting your face to capable hands. Rubby believes that this quality is what makes Flawless stand out.

With Flawless’ success founded on humble beginnings, it seems Rubby has learned life’s lessons well — give back, so you receive more. Give talent, so you reward others. Give time, so you make others feel good. Give passion, so you experience success.

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